Thursday, April 12, 2012

Anna's Bananas on THINGS SHE LEFT OUT

Ha! So you thought I was done did you? Well not quite. I'm not sure what my next (full) post will be about (any requests/suggestions appreciated) but I do know I left some things out that I want you to know. Not in any specific order of course!

1) I don't know how in the world I forgot this, but, I forgot CHICKEN! I eat chicken all the time, and there is no way this girl from Florida could have lost all that weight without this tasty meat. So please include chicken in your weight loss plan! I like chicken breasts and even more I love chicken cutlets. I like the cutlets because they are easy to cook on the skillet (they are skinnier so its easier to make sure they are cooked all the way through) and they are fun to put on a salad or taco.

2) While I'm thinking about food, I also forgot soy milk. I did follow the WHITE RULE, but I can not drink coffee black. And I can not take care of my husband and child without coffee, so, instead of creamer, I used soy milk for a while. (a while was like the first 4 months). Make sure you don't get your husband drinking too much soy milk, I think it messes with their manliness, and we don't want that, mmmhhmm. I also used Truvia sometimes to sweeten the coffee.  

3) You know how I got really excited about being able to control your breathing while running? One of the reasons it is so good, is it helps prevent you from getting cramps or stitches is what I call them. So if you are cramping up a lot, there are three things that are most likely contributing to that problem. One is you are probably not drinking enough water throughout the day aka your dehydrated. Two you have too much sodium in your diet, therefore in your system. So cut down on the chips n salsa, and eat a banana! Three, you haven't been controlling your breathing. You need to treat your body like a machine that runs (wink) on oxygen. So just try, read my Bananas on RUNNING go to the part about controlling your breathing, and just try it till you get it, please? for me? I promise it's worth a try!  

4) While I'm thinking about stitches, I want to let you know what the best thing is to do when you have a stitch while running and working out. If it is a minor stitch, mine usually occur in my side or lower abdomen, keep running or working out, but slow down a tad. If it keeps bothering you and its in your leg slow down to a walk for one minute and it will usually go away. If its in your side or stomach, don't walk yet, keep running slow, lift up your arm over your head on the side where it's hurting, and use your other hand to press down a little where the stitch is. I don't know why, but this always works for me. You are going to get cramps more often in the beginning because, well I hate to tell you this, but you are running goofy! It's okay, we all do when we first start out! Your arms are all flailing about, your hips are moving way too much, it's just all wobbly! When you run, try to keep your arms perpendicular to your abs (not in front of you swinging, but at your side, with minimal swinging, actually try not to swing) Try to keep your hands relaxed but it's okay to have a fist like shape. Imagine holding a small plastic Easter egg, (there is a pink one on the floor left by my daughter if you are wondering where that inspiration came from.) Keep your back straight, shoulders back, and try to keep a straight line from the back of your ankle to the top of your head. This sounds kinda funny, but kinda poke your boobs out a little, that helps you keep your back straight. I said a little!  I don't want to see you imitating Dolly Parton while you are running (or ever for that matter)! Once you feel more comfortable with running, try to keep all movement from your hips up minimal. Like if someone couldn't see your legs it would like you were on a very fast people mover. Or like you are a crab, or a duck peddling fast under water, but cool calm and collected above. That is a little dramatic, you don't have to be that steady, but that's kinda what you want to picture, cool? All these things will help improve your technique, and help prevent stitches. 

5) Last one for now, I'm telling you I think about this stuff all day long! When you first start running I don't think you should worry about distance as much as you should time. If you are trying to really kick some butt at losing baby weight, it is important that you are taking at least an hour to do your run/work out. But after a month or two, you will need to and actually want to, start measuring distance, otherwise you wont be able to log and appreciate your progress. Remember how I told you it took me like 2 and a half hours to finish the first 15k I did? So a 15k is about 9.3 miles. That means it took me 16 to 17 minutes to finish each mile. Last month I did the same 15k and finished in 1 hour and 37 minutes. If there weren't 20,000 other people running the same run (I'm not exaggerating, it was the Gate River Run, look it up) I promise you I would have finished in an hour and 30 minutes. So that means my pace now is about a 10 minute mile. I know this, because I either run on the treadmill and it shows me my pace, or I run the same route, I know how far four miles is and I know how far 6 miles is, and I time myself. It feels good to see that improvement. So I'm saying all this because I think you will want to see your progress as well, so after a month or so, start measuring your distance and time, and give your self a pat on the back, or on your tighter booty ;)

Now here are two pictures because I promise to have a image for each post. Both of these are okay to eat after the first three months of eating well, working out and losing weight. I would consider both of these as my largest meal of the day, usually before 5pm. 
Turkey burger: two Sanwichthins (that separate into four pieces) lettuce and spinach, mustard and ketchup on both, cheddar cheese on one. Healthy, filling, and very yummy. 

Healthy (er) taco: taco shell, spinach, boiled egg sliced, seasoned ground turkey, fiesta cheese, and a small amount of salsa. Now don't that look gooooood? (said like Paula Deen)

Okay, so that one was pretty short (comparatively speaking). Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for my next post. Stay strong mama! You can do it!

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